====== Email Ping Test ====== --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\\ ====== sending-email-from-mailx-command-in-linux-using-gmails-smtp ====== also shows some good syntax http://fclose.com/b/linux/1411/sending-email-from-mailx-command-in-linux-using-gmails-smtp/ ====== Ping Through a Specified SMTP Server ====== Ping1of=" 1 of 11 " Ping1="a.o.all@etspower.com" Ping1Smtp="-S smtp=smtp.safeserveronweb.com" echo "test" > $REPORT_EPT # echo "~." | mailx $Ping1Smtp -s "Ping Test $Ping1of $Ping1" -q /root/Desktop/EmailPingTestBody.txt -r Adiitao@safeserveronweb.com $Ping1 ===== Run Each Morning ===== # Runs the emailpingtest # 00 07 * * * root /root/Desktop/EmailPingTest.x ====== Testing SMTP AUTH connections ====== http://qmail.jms1.net/test-auth.shtml http://www.jonfullmer.com/smtpauth/ http://www.computerperformance.co.uk/exchange2003/exchange2003_SMTP_Auth_Login.htm ====== Email Client Setup Guides ====== http://www.dcwebdesigners.com/email/ == Godaddy.com setup == http://support.godaddy.com/help/article/6297?locale=en&ci=46061 == ATT Email Settings == * Better link settings on Windows Mail for Bellsouth email migrated to pop.att.yahoo.com plus.pop.mail.yahoo.com SSL - 995 plus.smtp.mail.yahoo.com SSL - 465 ====== Email Address testing ====== From: http://wintelguy.com/mtrace.pl eMail Tracer This tool **analyzes email headers** and presents basic information about an email massage in an easy to read table form. ====== Email Debugging ====== * I suggest opening a command prompt http://www.c3scripts.com/tutorials/msdos/open-window.html, and typing the following 3 commands. * "ping mail.domain.com" * The first one will let you know if the mail server is reachable. * "tracert mail.domain.com" * The second will trace the path to the server from your workstation. Timeouts are a sign that there is a problem between your office and the mail server, not much anyone can do about that. * "telnet mail.domain.com 110" * The third will attempt to connect to the mail server directly as described here: http://www.hostmysite.com/support/email/telnet/ * Try sending an email through telnet: * http://www.rdpslides.com/webresources/FAQ00035.htm * http://en.kioskea.net/contents/internet/smtp.php3 * Outlook - Inbox repair tool - scanpst.exe * [[http://support.microsoft.com/kb/287497]] ====== Email Header Analyzer ====== 2020-01-07 Mail header analysis (Good) From Email Header Analysis From Messageheader From Header Analyzed Email Subject: Remove of sellenerclub From ====== Understand email bounce messages ====== From: https://betterbounces.net/ making better email bounces\\ Understand email bounce messages, how to fix them and get email delivered.\\ Search\\ Get more information about your email bounce with our lookup tool. 5.1.1 or 411 or keywords\\ Search\\ Type in the complete or partial error code (looks like 5.1.1 or 411). Browse\\ Check out common email bounces with the links below. Encryption Issue\\ Bad Sending Address\\ Message Too Long\\ Mailbox FullNetwork Connection \\ ProblemSecurity Issue\\ See more at: https://betterbounces.net/#sthash.mbosTF2P.dpuf ====== temp-mail TempMail ====== From: http://temp-mail.org/ Forget about spam, advertising mailings, hacking and attacking robots. Keep your real mailbox clean and secure. Temp Mail provides temporary, secure, anonymous, free, disposable email address. ====== Email It In is totally free to use ====== From: https://www.emailitin.com/ Email It In gives you a personal email address which you can send attachments to. Those attachments instantly end up in your GDrive, Egnyte, Dropbox, or OneDrive account. ====== Haraka A modern, high performance, flexible SMTP server. ====== From: https://haraka.github.io/ Haraka is an open source SMTP server written in Node.js which provides extremely high performance coupled with a flexible plugin system allowing Javascript programmers full access to change the behaviour of the server. It is used heavily in some high traffic sites - see the "Known Users" link above for testimonials ====== smtp mail server - professional SMTP service provider ====== From: http://serversmtp.com/en turboSMTP is here to help, offering you 6.000 free emails per month (200/day) without restrictions and forever. This package is ideal for the ones who want to get both a free solution and all the qualities of a dedicated SMTP server. No credit cards are required. Try it now! ====== Mailinator ====== From: http://mailinator.com/index.jsp temp email temporary disposable throw away Free disposable email. Think up and give out a Mailinator address any time you need an email address but don't want to get spammed! ====== Recurring Emails ====== From: http://www.lettermelater.com/forum.php?id=1 LetterMeLater.com allows you to send emails at any future date and time you choose.