====== Video Support on Mobile Devices ====== **Download from** http://m.webex.com/ http://www.webex.com/products/web-conferencing/mobile-android-faq.html Which devices support Cisco WebEx 2-way video? In general, tablets with Android OS 3.0 or higher as well as screen sizes 7.1" or higher will support Cisco WebEx 2-way video. Additionally, tablets with screen width 530 dp (where dp = pixels * 160 / density) and Android OS 3.2 or higher will support Cisco WebEx 2-way video. This includes the Google Nexus 7" and the Amazon Kindle Fire HD 7" The following tablets have been tested and optimized for Cisco WebEx 2-way video: Amazon Kindle Fire based on Android 4.x\\ Amazon Kindle Fire HD 7"\\ Amazon Kindle Fire HD 8.9"\\ Fujitsu Arrows Tab\\ Google Nexus 7"\\ Motorola Xoom 1\\ Motorola Xoom Xyboard\\ Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7"\\ Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1"\\ Sony Tablet S 9.4"\\ Smartphones, tablets lower than Android 3.0 or smaller than 7.1" screen sizes will not support Cisco WebEx 2-way video. Such devices include but are not limited to: Amazon Kindle Fire based on Android 2.3\\ Samsung Galaxy Note 5.3"\\ Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0"\\ These devices will still support all other Cisco WebEx Meetings features. ====== IE10 and Windows 8 ====== From: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/w8itprogeneral/thread/519eb6c2-2697-413b-9254-64dcfc6f6cc5 Andrew_Goodwin replied on You can download the plug in directly versus what it is trying to do, which it appears to be blocked in IE10; Meeting Center application for Internet Explorer in Windows https://akamaicdn.webex.com/client/WBXclient-T27L10NSP32EP12-14923/atmcie.msi Meeting Center application for Firefox or Chrome browsers in Windows https://akamaicdn.webex.com/client/WBXclient-T27L10NSP32EP12-14923/atmcns.msi Meeting Center application for Mac OS X (Intel) https://akamaicdn.webex.com/client/WBXclient-T27L10NSP32EP12-14923/mac/intel/webexmc_intel.dmg