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Benchmark dns

linux named


  Using the form below, you can create a zone file for use with the BIND DNS server.

HOWTO dump/export the cache of a BIND DNS server


  • *rndc dumpdb -zones This will create a dump of the server's authoritative data called cache_dump.db, probably in /var/named/data (or similar). From: Last night I spent about an hour looking around google for how to dump and view the cache of a bind dns server. I just wanted to post this thread on how to do it so maybe next time people search they will able to find it easier Bind 9 makes it fairly easy to dump and view the cache of a caching BIND DNS server. All you have to do is run under root: rndc dumpdb -cache**
  This will create a file called named_dump.db in the /var/cache/bind/ directory. You can easily open this .db with your 
  favorite text editor.
  If your instance of BIND is chrooted, for example to /var/lib/named/, then the cache dump file will be 
  located in the /var/lib/named/var/cache/bind/ directory.
  The dumpdb feature of rndc has other options including a -all or -zone flag. Check 'rndc --help' 
  for more information. For more information you can check out this HOWTO i drafted.
software/dns.1365732315.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/04/12 02:05 by superwizard