Online Collaboration Tools
Slack vs Basecamp vs Trello vs Asana vs Teamwork The number of people who work in a virtual office space has increased 80% from 2005-2012. It’s easier than ever to work from home and use software to collaborate online and keep your team focused, organized and on task. Just because you’re in a different city or even time zone doesn’t mean you can’t still communicate and work together Asana Pricing: Free forever for up to 15 members, upgrade to Premium for $10 or less per user. Asana claims to be “teamwork without email” and it is just that. It looks and acts like an email inbox but groups projects with the ability to add due dates, “likes” and stars for important items in one place.
software/onlinecollaborationtools.txt · Last modified: 2015/11/07 00:12 by superwizard