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VPN Command for Linux

openvpn --verb 9 --dev tun0 --config /etc/openvpn/client.conf

VPN Information and Setup


The following ciphers and cipher modes are available
for use with OpenVPN.  Each cipher shown below may be
used as a parameter to the --cipher option.  The default
key size is shown as well as whether or not it can be
changed with the --keysize directive.  Using a CBC mode
is recommended.

DES-CBC 64 bit default key (fixed)
IDEA-CBC 128 bit default key (fixed)
RC2-CBC 128 bit default key (variable)
DES-EDE-CBC 128 bit default key (fixed)
DES-EDE3-CBC 192 bit default key (fixed)
DESX-CBC 192 bit default key (fixed)
BF-CBC 128 bit default key (variable)
RC2-40-CBC 40 bit default key (variable)
CAST5-CBC 128 bit default key (variable)
RC5-CBC 128 bit default key (variable)
RC2-64-CBC 64 bit default key (variable)
AES-128-CBC 128 bit default key (fixed)
AES-192-CBC 192 bit default key (fixed)
AES-256-CBC 256 bit default key (fixed)


  • Throughput/Performance
  • VPNs require encryption/decryption of traffic and that takes CPU cycles.
  • One of the important measures of a VPN is its throughput or the amount of data is can pass before it is unable to keep up with the decrypt/encrypt activities. With hardware VPNs this is an easy number to find, but with software products like OpenVPN, your throughput will depend a lot on your hardware.
  • For this document, OpenVPN was tested with a Pentium III 1Ghz machine with 512K RAM running Gentoo Linux.
  • The other end of the tunnel was a Pentium IV 2.7 GHz machine running Windows XP.
  • The link between these two machines max's out at 3 Mbps and OpenVPN was able to keep up with this load without any degradation in throughput.
  • The processor loads on both sides were miniscule and while one should not expect OpenVPN to scale linearly, it should handle enough throughput to service most small to medium-sized implementations, and with load balancing or more serious hardware, it could handle many larger implementations as well.
  • Additionally, there is the very real possibility that OpenVPN can benefit from the myriad of hardware SSL accelerator cards out there as it is using the standard SSL/TLS functions. (Check the OpenVPN user mailing list for more information).
  • OpenVPN does not have a hard limit to the number of tunnels it can sustain.
software/openvpn.txt · Last modified: 2020/10/24 18:44 by superwizard