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  Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
  & "C:\My Scripts\Test.ps1"
  Get-Service | Sort-Object Status | Format-Table

Removing Security protected files from c:\ after infection of bProtector

Solution: (First: Thanks to AlfredHall & Sheng Jiang for starting me in the right direction in their discussion here) 0) Run PS as administrator if UAC is enabled. 1) Use PSCX to elevate your privileges Import-Module “PSCX”

  Set-Privilege (new-object Pscx.Interop.TokenPrivilege "SeRestorePrivilege", $true) #Necessary to set Owner Permissions
  Set-Privilege (new-object Pscx.Interop.TokenPrivilege "SeBackupPrivilege", $true) #Necessary to bypass Traverse Checking
  Set-Privilege (new-object Pscx.Interop.TokenPrivilege "SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege", $true) #Necessary to override FilePermissions & take Ownership

2) Create a new, Owner-only ACL with only the Owner specified with the administrative group as the owner.

  $blankdirAcl = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity

3) Use SetAccessControl to set that Owner.

  (Get-Item "F:\testpath\locked").SetAccessControl($blankdirAcl)

4) Modify File Permissions, Auditing, Ownership using Get-Acl, Set-Acl as normal.

By using the new Owner-only ACL object and SetAccessControl, Ownership has now changed to Administrators and you can use Get-Acl,Set-Acl as desired.

In honor of Diana - goddess of the hunt -

  Import-Module -Name "C:\Users\Diana\Downloads\Pscx-2.1.1\PSCX" -verbose
  Set-Privilege (new-object Pscx.Interop.TokenPrivilege "SeRestorePrivilege", $true) #Necessary to set Owner Permissions
  Set-Privilege (new-object Pscx.Interop.TokenPrivilege "SeBackupPrivilege", $true) #Necessary to bypass Traverse Checking
  Set-Privilege (new-object Pscx.Interop.TokenPrivilege "SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege", $true) #Necessary to override FilePermissions & take Ownership
  $blankdirAcl = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity
  (Get-Item "c:\6dc5d7208340ab9995c48afe1508").SetAccessControl($blankdirAcl)
  takeown /F "c:\6dc5d7208340ab9995c48afe1508" /R /D Y
  $Acl = Get-Acl "C:\6dc5d7208340ab9995c48afe1508"
  $Ar = New-Object"Diana-PC\Diana","FullControl","Allow")
  Set-Acl "C:\6dc5d7208340ab9995c48afe1508" $Acl
  $Acl = Get-Acl "c:\6dc5d7208340ab9995c48afe1508\bProtectorForWindows"
  $Ar = New-Object"Diana-PC\Diana","FullControl","Allow")
  Set-Acl "c:\6dc5d7208340ab9995c48afe1508\bProtectorForWindows" $Acl
  $Acl = Get-Acl "c:\6dc5d7208340ab9995c48afe1508\searchplugins"
  $Ar = New-Object"Diana-PC\Diana","FullControl","Allow")
  Set-Acl "c:\6dc5d7208340ab9995c48afe1508\bProtectorForWindows" $Acl
  $Acl = Get-Acl "c:\6dc5d7208340ab9995c48afe1508\bProtectorForWindows\2.2.453.59"
  $Ar = New-Object"Diana-PC\Diana","FullControl","Allow")
  Set-Acl "c:\6dc5d7208340ab9995c48afe1508\bProtectorForWindows\2.2.453.59" $Acl
  rmdir "c:\6dc5d7208340ab9995c48afe1508"


software/powershell.1361742693.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/02/24 21:51 by superwizard