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Remote Desktop Management and Control




LiteManager Free — Free remote desktop software for remote control of computers over the Internet or remote support, includes main functions and capabilities of the LiteManager program and offers 30 free licenses for remote access to 30 computers or more if you have a license key. The free version doesn’t include several modes and features that are not necessary for most users. Future versions of LiteManager Free will partially include new features and capabilities.

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LiteManager cross-platform software ( has free license for business )

Multi-platform PC to PC, mobile to PC that support Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, Windows Universal Platform.

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Remote Utilities ( has free license for business )

Free Remote Utilities Viewer (client) is available for iOS and Android. You can connect from mobile devices to remote computers running Host or Agent.

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Android Clients

SplashTop ( Access up to 2 computers Billed Annually at $60)


Get unattended remote access to your Windows, Mac, and Linux computers from Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and Chrome browser/Chromebook. Also access virtual machines and virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) on VMware, Citrix, Microsoft, Windows, AWS, Azure, and others, all from the same application. Just install the free Splashtop Business app on all the devices you want to remote from.

From <>


has Android Client

RemotePC ( one computer 20/year)

Access and view your computer remotely, from any iOS and Android device. From <>




Free one user one participant 

Remote Desktop Connection over Internet


AeroAdmin - FREE and EASY remote desktop software! Set up remote desktop connection within a few seconds!

No installation, no configuration, works behind NAT.

Free of charge for business and home!
Works without installation
Quick start

Free Screen Sharing, Online Meetings & Web Conferencing |


have remote person start a meeting

quickly share desktop



ShowMyPC is a company with a mission to provide free and integrated collaboration tools for 
all users. ShowMyPC relies on many open technologies and provides its services free to everyone. 
In addition, ShowMyPC offers Premium services and many integration options to continue growth,
research and development.

Turn on Remote Desktop remotely


Step 3: Change a registry setting to enable Remote Desktop
It’s time to make use of the Remote Registry and actually enable RDP. 
Load up regedit and 
go to File > Connect Network Registry. 
Enter the name of your remote computer and connect 
to it. 
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > System > CurrentControlSet > Control > Terminal Server. 
Change the value of “fDenyTSConnections” to “0”.


Remotely Enable Remote Desktop Windows 10

Step 1: Open firewall ports in Windows firewall There is no native way to change the settings of a remote Windows firewall. However, you can use PsExec from SysInternals to disable it or change some rules. If you download the app and drop it into your c:\ drive, you can run this command and get command line access for that remote box.

  c:\psexec \\remote_machine_name cmd

Once you have that command line open, you can run this command to disable the firewall:

  netsh advfirewall set currentprofile state off

Alternatively you can run this command to allow only Remote Desktop while still leaving the rest of the firewall as is:

  netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group=”remote desktop” new enable=Yes

From <>

Comparison of remote desktop software

software/remotedesktop.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/07 03:39 by superwizard