Creating a baby journal with TiddlyWiki 5
(function(){ "use strict"; = "age"; exports.params = [ { name: "birthDate" }, { name: "currentDate" } ]; = function(birthDate, currentDate) { var getNormalizedDate = function (date, referenceDate) { var numberOfDaysInMonth = (new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth()+1, 0)).getDate(); if (numberOfDaysInMonth < referenceDate.getDate()) { return numberOfDaysInMonth; } else { return referenceDate.getDate(); } } var getAgeString = function (birthDate, currentDate) { var tmpBirthDate = new Date(birthDate); var tmpCurrentDate = new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), currentDate.getMonth(), currentDate.getDate()); if (tmpCurrentDate < tmpBirthDate) ( return "not yet born"; } tmpCurrentDate.setHours(12); var ageDays = 0; while (tmpCurrentDate.getDate() != getNormalizedDate(tmpCurrentDate, tmpBirthDate)) { ageDays++; tmpCurrentDate.setDate(tmpCurrentDate.getDate() - 1); } tmpCurrentDate.setDate(1); tmpBirthDate.setDate(1); var ageMonths = 0; while (tmpCurrentDate.getMonth() != tmpBirthDate.getMonth()) { ageMonths++; tmpCurrentDate.setMonth(tmpCurrentDate.getMonth() - 1); } var ageYears=0; while (tmpCurrentDate.getFullYear() != tmpBirthDate.getFullYear()) { ageYears++; tmpCurrentDate.setFullYear(tmpCurrentDate.getFullYear() - 1); } return ageYears + ' year' + (ageYears == 1 ? '' : 's') + ', ' + ageMonths + ' month' + (ageMonths == 1 ? '' : 's') + ' and ' + ageDays + ' day' + (ageDays == 1 ? '' : 's'); }; if (typeof(currentDate) == "undefined" || currentDate == "" || isNaN(currentDate)) { currentDate = new Date(); } else { currentDate = new Date(currentDate.substring(0,4), currentDate.substring(4,6) - 1, currentDate.substring(6, 8)); } if (typeof(birthDate) == "undefined" || birthDate == "" || isNaN(birthDate)) { birthDate = new Date(); } else { birthDate = new Date(birthDate.substring(0,4), birthDate.substring(4,6) - 1, birthDate.substring(6, 8)); } return getAgeString(birthDate, currentDate); }; })();
software/tiddlywiki.txt · Last modified: 2014/04/12 19:27 by superwizard