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Tracing Tools

Tracing Tools provide real-time routing information to test the connection to your servers to assist you with your day-to-day system administration tasks. Tracing tools will specifically show you how long it takes packets to get from one Internet host to another or can trace the route packets take to the specified host.

IP Packet Loss and Delay Test

This tool provides a means to find the source of slow Internet speeds, packet loss and latency. It monitors an Internet connection and all the routers or hops of the Internet Service Provider (ISP) serving it. Areas of packet loss and latency will be discovered and highlighted. Internet connection speeds are hampered by errors and congestion. Errors and congestion cause lost and delayed packets. Finding the location of lost and delayed packets also identifies the source of slow Internet speeds. It will monitor an Internet connection from 1 hour to 7 days making it ideal for finding intermittent problems.

service/networktracing.txt · Last modified: 2012/12/05 19:42 by superwizard