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PowerShell Commands

  Backup-SqlDatabase -ServerInstance Machine096\TSSERVICES -Database IsetoServices -BackupAction Database -BackupFile "F:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.TSSERVICES\MSSQL\Backup\Backup_Mcie96\IsetoServices.bak"
  powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file "C:\Users\Public\Downloads\SQLIsetoServicesBackup Script\BackupIsetoServices.ps1"
  Get-NetworkStatistics | Format-Table > c:\temp\GNS.txt

10 PowerShell cmdlets to speed network troubleshooting

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1. Ping devices locally or remotely Test-NetConnection -ComputerName “Hostname or IP” The Test-NetConnection cmdlet offers a number of ways to test network connectivity on the LAN and WAN. Enter the command as typed above and the computer will essentially perform a ping to determine if network connectivity between the local device and the target computer or domain exists. 2. Check connectivity based on port or service Test-NetConnection “Hostname” -Port # Another feature of the Test-NetConnection cmdlet is the ability to test the connectivity between the local device and the target host by specifying a port number. This is extremely useful for testing services between devices and the ports they communicate on specifically. 3. Trace route communications Test-NetConnection “Hostname” -traceroute Performing a trace route to determine how many hops (or steps) a packet must go through to get from the source to its destination is an important tool, as it allows you to see where the transmission is going, and more important, whether it was successful. If it wasn't, trace route will indicate where the packet failed along the path. SEE: IT pro's guide to saving time with PowerShell (free TechRepublic PDF) 4. Obtain IP configuration details Get-NetIPConfiguration Similar to the ipconfig command, the Get-NetIPConfiguration cmdlet provides a holistic view of the network configuration(s) set on the network adapters of a computer. IP, DNS, and Gateway addresses are displayed and sorted by adapter name. 5. Perform DNS lookups Resolve-DnsName -Name “Hostname” Arguably, the backbone of a network is the DNS service. Without it, users would be forced to know the IP addresses for all websites and services. And yet when connectivity issues arise, DNS is often the culprit after ruling out IP-related errors. By appending the “-server” switch, followed by a DNS server's IP address, IT can perform a DNS resolve request against a specific server to verify resolution is working properly. SEE: Windows administrator's PowerShell script kit (Tech Pro Research) 6. View current TCP connections Get-NetTCPConnection Just like netstat before it, the Get-NetTCPConnection cmdlet allows for viewing of the current TCP connections that have been made to/from a device, as well as open or listening connections. This helps you troubleshoot issues that pertain to IPs and ports, specifically those bound to certain network services. 7. View & Set DNS information Get-DnsClient Set-DnsClientServer Address This cmdlet lets you check the DNS client information for a device. It will indicate what DNS server(s) are being used by the device to perform address resolutions as configured on multiple adapters. The Set-DnsClientServerAddress cmdlet allows for specified DNS servers to be added to the network configuration. 8. Flush DNS cache Clear-DnsClientCache The DNS cache helps keep often used DNS resolution records stored locally on a device, allowing it to read that record instead of performing a lookup every time a record is requested. This helps speed up the already fast resolution process. If stale records–or those that haven't been updated–are present, this could lead to poor network performance, denial of service, or security issues that seek to exploit incorrect records that point user requests to the wrong server/service. 9. Release and renew DHCP leases Invoke-Command -ComputerName -ScriptBlock {ipconfig /release} Invoke-Command -ComputerName -ScriptBlock {ipconfig /renew} While PowerShell includes many cmdlets to manage network settings, there is no direct way to release/renew DHCP leases without referencing another cmdlet first, then piping the results to a second or third cmdlet to be able to modify the DHCP setting. However, by leveraging the Invoke-Command, you can remotely (or via script) perform a release and/or renew by calling upon the ipconfig command. 10. Disable and enable network adapters Disable-NetAdapter -Name “Adapter Name” Enable-NetAdapter -Name “Adapter Name” Last but certainly not least is the cmdlet for disabling/enabling network adapters on a device. While not as fancy a method for troubleshooting network problems as the cmdlets listed above, as any IT professional will tell you, sometimes the only thing you have to do to resolve a network-based problem is turn it off and on again.

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software/microsoft/windows/powershell.1598288257.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/24 16:57 by superwizard