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PowerShell Commands

Change Network Location to Public or Private with PowerShell


On Windows 10/11 and Windows Server 2022/2019/2016, you can manage network connection locations from PowerShell. Open the elevated PowerShell console. List Windows network interfaces and the network profiles applied to them:

To change the network for the network adapter with index 8 to Private, run the command:

   Set-NetConnectionProfile -InterfaceIndex 8 -NetworkCategory Private

Check that the network profile has changed:

   Get-NetConnectionProfile -InterfaceIndex 8

From <>

Backup SQL

  Backup-SqlDatabase -ServerInstance Machine096\TSSERVICES -Database IsetoServices -BackupAction Database -BackupFile "F:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.TSSERVICES\MSSQL\Backup\Backup_Mcie96\IsetoServices.bak"
  powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file "C:\Users\Public\Downloads\SQLIsetoServicesBackup Script\BackupIsetoServices.ps1"
  Get-NetworkStatistics | Format-Table > c:\temp\GNS.txt
  Get-NetworkStatistics - netstat -bano with filtering
  This code borrows from Shay Levy's Get-NetworkStatistics function

From <>

10 PowerShell cmdlets to speed network troubleshooting

From <>

1. Ping devices locally or remotely

  Test-NetConnection -ComputerName "Hostname or IP"
  the command as typed above and the computer will essentially perform a ping to determine if network 

2. Check connectivity based on port or service

  Test-NetConnection "Hostname" -Port #
  Another feature of the Test-NetConnection cmdlet is the ability to test the connectivity 
  between the local 

3. Trace route communications

  Test-NetConnection "Hostname" -traceroute

4. Obtain IP configuration details

  Similar to the ipconfig command, the Get-NetIPConfiguration cmdlet provides a holistic 

5. Perform DNS lookups

  Resolve-DnsName -Name "Hostname"
 By appending the "-server" switch, followed by a DNS server's IP address, IT can perform a DNS resolve
 request against a specific server to verify resolution is working properly.

6. View current TCP connections

 Just like netstat before it, 

7. View & Set DNS information

  Set-DnsClientServer Address
  This cmdlet lets you check the DNS client information for a device. 
  It will indicate what DNS server(s) are being used by the device to perform address resolutions as
  The Set-DnsClientServerAddress cmdlet allows for specified DNS servers to be added to the network 

8. Flush DNS cache

  The DNS cache helps keep often used DNS resolution records stored locally on a device, 

9. Release and renew DHCP leases

  Invoke-Command -ComputerName -ScriptBlock {ipconfig /release}
  Invoke-Command -ComputerName -ScriptBlock {ipconfig /renew}
  there is no direct way to release/renew DHCP leases without referencing another cmdlet first, then piping 

10. Disable and enable network adapters

  Disable-NetAdapter -Name "Adapter Name"
  Enable-NetAdapter -Name "Adapter Name"

From <>

software/microsoft/windows/powershell.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/30 16:32 by superwizard