Table of Contents
Configuring firewall ports
Command line open ports in firewall
sudo firewall-cmd –zone=public –add-port=5000/tcp
Use Yast to configure open ports in firewall or turn firewall off
- what ports are open using vsftpd
- firewall-cmd –permanent –service=vsftpd –get-ports
- 21/tcp 30000-30100/tcp
- what ports are open using Samba
- firewall-cmd –permanent –service=samba –get-ports
- 137/udp 138/udp 139/tcp 445/tcp
- Reference: man firewall-cmd
Hyper-v Video Resolution
Works on grub
Set resolution
Find the line starting with GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT (line is highlight on image) and add video=hyperv_fb:[the resolution you need] ex:- video=hyperv_fb:1200×700 you may need to change the above value several time to achieve better screen size. 1200×700 is the value which is worked on my 1366×768 resolution windows server.
Hyper-V Synthetic Video Frame Buffer Driver
This is the driver for the Hyper-V Synthetic Video, which supports * screen resolution up to Full HD 1920×1080 with 32 bit color on Windows * Server 2012, and 1600×1200 with 16 bit color on Windows Server 2008 R2 * or earlier.
Configures video settings for virtual machines PowerShell
Configures video settings for virtual machines. Syntax PowerShell
[-CimSession <CimSession[]>] [-ComputerName <String[]>] [-Credential <PSCredential[]>] [-VMName] <String[]> [[-ResolutionType] <ResolutionType>] [[-HorizontalResolution] <UInt16>] [[-VerticalResolution] <UInt16>] [-Passthru] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
Resilio Sync
Enable auto start at boot time using the following command:
$ sudo systemctl enable resilio-sync
5. Start Resilio Sync, use systemctl command.
$ sudo systemctl start resilio-sync
Check its status.
$ systemctl status resilio-sync
Bridging networks
Bridging networks
Packets not moving through linux ethernet bridge
This is a quite old question, but it might be helpful for others. Linux bridge might drop packages, if not configured correctly. I had a likewise problem and could solve it with the following information:
• •
In short, there are options to configure the bridge: e.g. # do not query iptables for package routing
echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/bridge/bridge-nf-call-iptables
# no additional processing for multicast packages
echo 0 > /sys/devices/virtual/net/br0/bridge/multicast_querier echo 0 > /sys/devices/virtual/net/br0/bridge/multicast_snooping
From <>
From <>
echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/bridge/bridge-nf-call-iptables echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/bridge/bridge-nf-call-ip6tables
Linux: Disabling Multicast snooping on bridges Snooping should be enabled on either the router / switch or on the linux bridge, but it may not work if enabled on both. If you have a hosting provider that has igmp snooping enabled on the multicast switch, it may be necessary to disable snooping on the linux bridge. In that case use:
post-up ( echo 1 > /sys/devices/virtual/net/$IFACE/bridge/multicast_querier ) post-up ( echo 0 > /sys/class/net/$IFACE/bridge/multicast_snooping )
Default for OpenSuse 15.1
0 for /sys/devices/virtual/net/br0/bridge/multicast_querier 1 for /sys/devices/virtual/net/br0/bridge/multicast_snooping
Bring the bridge up Like the Ethernet interfaces, the bridge will not become operational until it is brought into the ‘up’ state. This can be done for all three of these devices using the ifconfig command:
ifconfig eth0 up ifconfig eth1 up ifconfig br0 up
2.1. Using “ip” Usage:
ip link set dev <interface> up ip link set dev <interface> down
ip link set dev eth0 up ip link set dev eth0 down
To set an interface to promiscuous mode you can use either of these commands, using the ‘ip’ command is the most current way.
ip link set [interface] promisc on
D.3. tcpdump: Capturing with “tcpdump” for viewing with Wireshark
It’s often more useful to capture packets using tcpdump rather than wireshark. For example, you might want to do a remote capture and either don’t have GUI access or don’t have Wireshark installed on the remote machine.
Older versions of tcpdump truncate packets to 68 or 96 bytes. If this is the case, use -s to capture full-sized packets:
$ tcpdump -i <interface> -s 65535 -w <file>
You will have to specify the correct interface and the name of a file to save into. In addition, you will have to terminate the capture with ^C when you believe you have captured enough packets
From <>
Comments… json JSON file format. It can be used with -j or -J including the JSON filter or with -x option to include raw hex-encoded packet data. Example of usage:
tshark -T json -r file.pcap tshark -T json -j "http tcp ip" -x -r file.pcap
From: <>
Changes to setup a log for mediatrix
File: /etc/rsyslog.d/remote.conf
# UDP Syslog Server: $ModLoad # provides UDP syslog reception $UDPServerRun 514 # start a UDP syslog server at standard port 514 ########### Mediatrix Log ########## if ($fromhost-ip == '') then /var/log/mediatrix
Additional Info
ps aux | grep -i rsyslog netstat -an | grep 514
How do you display POST data with cURL?
The closest I got without using tcpdump is using the --trace-ascii option: ~ curl -d "hello=there" --trace-ascii /dev/stdout == Info: About to connect() to port 80 (#0) == Info: Trying == Info: connected == Info: Connected to ( port 80 (#0) => Send header, 210 bytes (0xd2) 0000: POST / HTTP/1.1 0011: User-Agent: curl/7.19.7 (universal-apple-darwin10.0) libcurl/7.1 0051: 9.7 OpenSSL/0.9.8l zlib/1.2.3 0070: Host: 007e: Accept: */* 008b: Content-Length: 11 009f: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded 00d0: => Send data, 11 bytes (0xb) 0000: hello=there
OpenSuse Guide
Also Filesystems:
For 42.3 This manual gives you a general understanding of openSUSE® Leap. It is intended mainly for system administrators and home users with basic system administration knowledge. Check out the various parts of this manual for a selection of applications needed in everyday life and in-depth descriptions of advanced installation and configuration scenarios.
These are some examples of gratis applications available for both GNU/Linux and MS Windows for common tasks - most of them are available for Mac OSX too
I use the easy but accurate copy function "cp" to back up my root and home directories. You can use any partition to store backups, so long as you use appropriate Linux file system (so that the ownership and other file parameters are carried across faithfully). You can also store a backup on USB provided you format it for Linux. Whenever I copy my root partition to backup, I do that outside of the running operating system, in this case Leap 42.2. So I boot into a live Linux cd or usb stick to do the job. You can use Knoppix or Gparted, Parted Magic, Ultimate Boot CD etc. Once you are running in the live CD/USB you can mount the storage partition and use a command line like "cp -auv" to do the backup. But be sure to do it as su. (IMHO Knoppix is the best available at this time, and the mounting there is so super easy using Knoppix's gparted tool).
Quick Upgrade from Leap 42.2 to Leap 42.3
Alter the Repositories to become 42.3 Once you have the backup done, boot back into the real Leap 42.2 and edit the existing Repositories using Yast. Go to Yast ==> Software ==> Software Repositories. For each Repo you see bearing 42.2 in the name and/or URL, click to "edit" and change the instances of 42.2 in Name and URL to 42.3 in Name and URL. Optional: download the Leap 42.3 DVD and add it in as a repository (using Yast ==> Software ==> Software Repositories ==> Add ==> DVD ==> Next). Adding the DVD will speed the process.
openSUSE Leap 42.1 Tips, Tricks, and Tweaks
Dual-Boot Dual Boot openSUSE Leap and Windows 10 UEFI Multimedia Every guide I’ve seen so far does not install enough stuff to cover all the bases. Below is everything I install.
Reloading NVIDIA Drivers openSuse
try installing the nvidia drivers zypper ar -f nvidia zypper ref zypper in x11-video-nvidiaG03 zypper ar -f x11-video-nvidiaG04-352.55-17.1.x86_64.rpm zypper ref zypper in x11-video-nvidiaG04
sysinfo: in Konquer
Get Sysinfo Back Add repo: Install: kio-sysinfo In Konqueror (NOT Dolphin), go to address sysinfo: (or sysinfo://)
VNC Server installation on OpenSuse 13.2
kdenetwork3-vnc, select the software and install it: Yast utility goto Network Service --> Remote Administration (VNC)
smbpasswd Add user, Change Password, Delete User
Note: add as passwd user first ! Add User - requires the user to already exist in the system password file machine:~ # smbpasswd –a agustin New SMB password: ******** Retype new SMB password:******** Change Password machine:~ # smbpasswd agustin New SMB password: ******** Retype new SMB password:******** Delete User machine:~ # smbpasswd –x agustin Deleted user agustin
Windows + OpenSuse dual boot configuring GRUB
#OpenSuse 11.2 title openSUSE 11.2 – root (hd0,1) kernel /boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD3000HLFS-01G6U1_WD-WXE0C7912926-part2 resume=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD3000HLFS-01G6U1_WD-WXE0C7912926-part1 splash=silent quiet showopts vga=0x31a initrd /boot/initrd- #Windows7 title windows7 map (hd0) (hd2) map (hd2) (hd0) rootnoverify (hd2,0) chainloader +1
Cloning the Disk and Setting-up GRUB
At this reboot the system was still using the MBR of the old HDD but the new HDD for / and /home directories. Again using Yast – Boot Loader the GRUB files where changed to point only to the new HDD. With these changes made Yast – Bootloader “Propose new configuration” was used and accepted. Yast then generated the MBR and new initrd on the new HDD. GRUB files => /boot/grub/, /boot/grub/menu.1st and /etc/grub.conf. Also: fstab Note: by-id, by-path, by-uuid
GRUB comprises two stages. Stage 1 consists of 512 bytes and its only task is to load the second stage of the boot loader. Subsequently, stage 2 is loaded. This stage contains the main part of the boot loader.
I determined that I needed to modify the /boot/grub/, /boot/grub/menu.lst & /etc/fstab files and I had to insert the /dev/sdb2 or /dev/sdb for, so that the new hard drive, which did not have the same uid name as the old drive, could boot openSUSE properly. Once I made these changes, the new drive did boot and openSUSE did come up. GRUB files => /boot/grub/, /boot/grub/menu.1st and /etc/grub.conf.
Windows + OpenSuse dual boot configuring GRUB
An Easier Way to Mount Disks in Linux (by UUID)
UUIDs and Linux: Everything you ever need to know
How To Find Out What My DNS Servers Address Is
linux dns
cat /etc/resolv.conf
Installation Packages
Automatically mount cifs
- // /path_to/mount_point cifs username=server_user,password=server_password,_netdev,uid=client_username,gid=users 0 0
- Mounts with root access only opensuse11.1_reference_guide
Debug Scripts
From: email
* When debugging scripts, I add printf commands that write to a log file so I can review the log to confirm what the script did. For some scripts, I leave the printf there all of the time for ease of troubleshooting. Here's an example:
printf "\nAbout to do X and Y --- `date`\n" | tee -a /home/username/My_Log.txt
Force fsck next reboot
If for some reason, you want to force the system to run fsck on the next reboot just create an empty file called forcefsck in your system / like this:
touch /forcefsck
at command prompt shutdown with -F does it
shutdown -rF now
Run fsck on mounted disk
Additionally fsck should never be issued on a mounted partition. fsck should always be issued when the disk is offline (not mounted). You need to specify the partition to check as the argument, e.g. {{{fsck /dev/sda1}}}
openSuse 12 uses rsyslog
/etc/rsyslog.conf /etc/rsyslog.d/*conf is not setup by default note: vsftp writes to its own log = #vsftpd_log_file=/var/log/vsftpd.log
openSuse logrotate
/etc/logrotate.d /var/log/vsftpd.log { weekly sharedscripts missingok notifempty postrotate /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart > /dev/null 2>&1 || true endscript }
Chapter 2. System Monitoring Utilities
systemctl and systemd
- Enable postfix.service
- Postfix runs at level 3 and 5
- postfix automatically starts
difference between service and systemctl
service operates on the files in /etc/init.d and was used in conjunction with the old init system. systemctl operates on the files in /lib/systemd . If there is a file for your service in /lib/systemd it will use that first and if not it will fall back to the file in /etc/init.d
List the current run level
systemctl list-units --type=target
{{{/usr/bin/systemd-analyze /usr/bin/systemd-analyze plot /usr/bin/systemd-analyze blame /usr/bin/systemd-analyze time systemctl dot --order | dot -Tsvg > /root/Desktop/systemd.svg }}}
systemd timers can be used to perform the same kinds of tasks as the cron
Summary systemd timers can be used to perform the same kinds of tasks as the cron tool but offer more flexibility in terms of the calendar and monotonic time specifications for triggering events. Even though the service unit you created for this experiment is usually triggered by the timer, you can also use the systemctl start myMonitor.service command to trigger it at any time. Multiple maintenance tasks can be scripted in a single timer; these can be Bash scripts or Linux utility programs. You can run the service triggered by the timer to run all the scripts, or you can run individual scripts as needed.
Graphic Cards
openSUSE Graphic Card Practical Theory Guide for Users
Look for occurrences of: (= NOUVEAU(0): which would indicate open source NOUVEAU driver in use.The following command may work (note syntax/spaces) to confirm this driver: Code: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep '('II')'' 'NOUVEAU