Synopsis A shell script to quickly & automatically discover IPv6 hosts, with the option to ping or run nmap against discovered hosts. Motivation There are three reasons to use
1. Scan an IPv6 network 700,000 times faster than nmap 2. Auto Discovery of IPv6 hosts on the network (e.g. for IPAM) 3. Quickly figure out what IPv6 is already on your network.
With 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 (2^64) potential addresses on a LAN segment, the old brute force method of scanning every address (e.g. with nnap) quickly becomes impractical. Even with version 7 of nmap, scanning a /64 still takes a week! scans a /64 less than 5 seconds.
From <>
./ -h
./ - auto discover IPv6 hosts e.g. ./ -D -p -p Ping discovered hosts -i use this interface -L show link-local only -D Dual Stack, show IPv4 addresses -N Scan with nmap -6 -sT -q quiet, just print discovered hosts
Link Local
./ -L -D
software/linux/v6disc.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/20 17:55 by superwizard