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Powershell for Windows Server 2003

How to extend the windows 2003 C drive


  AOMEI Partition Assistant Lite Edition - Free Server Partition Manager Software
  Resize and move partitions to maximize utilization of server storages for peak performance.
  Extend NTFS system partition without rebooting to minimize server downtime.



  How to use Diskpart.exe to extend a data volume in Windows Server 2003, in Windows XP, and in Windows 2000
  **diskpart.exe did not work on boot drive.**

The number of processors and the amount of physical RAM that are supported


Operating system Number of processors Physical RAM
Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition 4 4 gigabytes (GB)
Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Standard x64 Edition 4 32 GB
Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition 8 64 GB

Migrate Active Directory from Server 2003 to Server 2012 R2


  I see a lot of questions in the community on how to upgrade their Active Directory environments. 
  I wrote this how-to in order to provide a step by step guide on what you would need to do in order 
  to achieve this successfully.

Create static route


  Static route is erased unless -p option then registry entry keeps it alive
  route add -p mask metric 2
  route -p add mask metric 1
  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip \Parameters\PersistentRoutes

How to use the Network Diagnostics Tool (Netdiag.exe) in Windows 2000

DCDIAG.EXE /E or /A or /C expected errors

Shutdown permissons


  The best bet really is to do the following:
  * Create a new group for the Helpdesk staff... called something like
  * Are all of your Servers in the Domain Controllers OU? or do you have
  member servers as well, and located elsewhere?
  * You could create a GPO and link it to the Domain Controllers OU, and any
  other OUs containing your servers.
  * Specify the 'Shutdown the system' policy located in:
  --> Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local
  Policies > User Rights Assignment.
  * Add the HelpDesk group to the policy for 'Shutdown the system', and
  ensure that the administrators also have permission.
  Backup Operators have the permissions!

Log on as a service

  Group Policy Management --> Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local
  Policies > User Rights Assignment.

icacls.exe copy and save permissons

  Displays or modifies discretionary access control lists (DACLs) on specified files, and applies stored DACLs to files in specified directories.
  icacls c:\folder /save c:\temp\filetosavepermissions.txt /T /C
  icacls c:\ /restore aclfile ( provided the folder in aclfiles is c:\folder note: on MS Server 2003 icals does not process Inheritance bit)

  On a computer that is running Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2, the Icacls.exe utility does not support the inheritance bit. 

Xcopy command and save permissions

  You can use the Xcopy command with the /O/X/E/H/K switches to copy the files and retain the existing permissions that have been specifically applied to the file or files.
software/microsoft/windows/server2003.txt · Last modified: 2017/01/19 03:22 by superwizard