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Load APC Watts
Smart UPS 750 50% = about 340 Watts

Calculate needed capacity


UPS Capacity Ratings the UPS is typically rated by Volt Amps (VA), this is the maximum number of 
Volts * Amps it can deliver; note VA rating is not the same as the current draw (usually expressed 
in Watts) of the equipment. Some but not all UPS's can continue to deliver power to attached devices 
even if the VA rating of the UPS is exceeded, but a UPS can not provide power above their VA rating 
when the primary AC power fails. If you miscalculate the requirements and drain a UPS to beyond its 
capacity then you risk shortening the service life of the UPS's batteries and worse.

To determine the suitable UPS capacity manually first calculate the required amps and time in hours or portion of an hour (AH), then calculate:

calculate battery power of the UPS (ie battery voltage) * AH
time = (inverter efficiency * battery volt * AH)/load in watts)
So if:

1. the UPS is a 1500 VA unit then this likely relies on healthy 12 volt 12.5 amp hour battery
2. if the telescope mount's power supply draws 200 watts at 120v (1.7 Amp), the dome motor 
draws 373 watts at 120 volt (3.1 Amp), and we want 20 minutes operating time (.33 hour) then

3. time in hours = (0.9 * 12 * 33)/(200+373)*.33 OR 356.4/189.1 = 1.9 hours

How to cold start and brain dead Smart-UPS


Product Line:
The Cold start procedure is used to determine if a UPS is functional if it will not turn on 
when plugged into utility power.
The Brain Dead procedure performs a hard reset of the Smart-Ups microprocessor. It does not 
however reset saved preferences.

APC Smart UPS 750


Read Serial Number to find age of unit
Angela 3/5/2012 4:15 PM (in response to txrecycler)

An example of a serial number is below:

PD *1204* 235232

the 12 after the PD characters indicates it was manufactured in 2012 and then the 04 means in the 4th week of 2012. 


Model # or “SKU,” from which the product family can be determined:

systems/apc.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/18 01:46 by superwizard