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Raspberry Pi
Remote Desktop Connection to Raspberry Pi
Installing the Remote Desktop Server on the Raspberry Pi
4. However, we are required to make a user in which you will use for your remote desktop connection to your Raspberry Pi. The default user you create does not work with XRDP.
sudo adduser USERNAME
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sudo apt install xrdp
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Overview xrdp provides a graphical login to remote machines using RDP (Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol). xrdp accepts connections from variety of RDP clients: FreeRDP, rdesktop, NeutrinoRDP and Microsoft Remote Desktop Client (for Windows, macOS, iOS and Android).
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Raspberry Pi General Commands
There are certain Pi commands which can be used whenever you boot up your Raspberry Pi or between some of the codings. That does not mean you have to write them in the Raspberry Pi terminal every single time though.
apt update
apt upgrade
date (shows the current date of your system)
find / -name mandip.txt (finds the file named as mandip.txt in your system)
raspi-config (open the configuration window on your Raspberry Pi where you can change the settings of your computer including the SSH settings)
sudo apt update sudo apt install xscreensaver
When installed open from menu [Preferences] –> [Screensaver] Click on [Mode:] and select [Disable Screensaver]
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root password
The reason, if you’re using the standard “pi” user account, is that you’re not an admin user and you don’t have the password for the superuser/root account. This is not an issue if you’re at the command line, using “sudo” before your command executes it as the superuser. Not so in “X” (the GUI environment), there are two solutions I have seen on the Raspberry Pi forums: Option 1: Reset the root password. At the command line, enter the command below and enter the new password (credit: spurious). …to set the root password you could write: “sudo passwd root”
Installing NodeJS on the Raspberry Pi
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Manual Installation
1. Download and install a required (opens new window)Node.js version, see the official documentation: • Linux based distributions(opens new window) • Others(opens new window) 2. check if git is installed on your machine by executing git (should show usage), otherwise install it 3. Clone the repository: git clone 4. Enter the repository: cd MagicMirror/ 5. Install the application: npm run install-mm 6. Make a copy of the config sample file: cp config/config.js.sample config/config.js 7. Start the application: npm run start
You can check your configuration running
npm run config:check
in ~/MagicMirror.
For Server Only use: npm run server
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chown -R pi:pi MagicMirror
The open source modular smart mirror platform.
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MagicMirror² is an open source modular smart mirror platform. With a growing list of installable modules, the MagicMirror² allows you to convert your hallway or bathroom mirror into your personal assistant
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Ctrl+M To stop the Mirror Ctrl+C to Stop
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3rd Party Modules Ronald Record edited this page 9 days ago · 844 revisions
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Configure displayed stuff
To use this module, add the following configuration block to the modules array in the config/config.js file:
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Raspberry Pi Kiosk using Chromium
by Gus Updated May 15, 2021
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nano /home/pi/
#!/bin/bash xset s noblank xset s off xset -dpms unclutter -idle 0.5 -root & sed -i 's/"exited_cleanly":false/"exited_cleanly":true/' /home/pi/.config/chromium/Default/Preferences sed -i 's/"exit_type":"Crashed"/"exit_type":"Normal"/' /home/pi/.config/chromium/Default/Preferences /usr/bin/chromium-browser --noerrdialogs --disable-infobars --kiosk & while true; do xdotool keydown ctrl+Tab; xdotool keyup ctrl+Tab; sleep 10 done
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Setting up the Raspberry Pi Kiosk to start at boot
Screen Saver On the Raspberry Pi Desktop
By default, the Raspberry Pi Desktop does not have any easy-to-use screensaver software installed, although the screensaver is enabled. Firstly, you should install the X Windows screensaver application.
sudo apt-get install xscreensaver
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How do I make xscreensaver show a slideshow of images? You do this by using a program that can display a list of images on the root window. One such program, glslideshow is included with xscreensaver. It displays a sequence of images, slowly panning and zooming through them, and fading smoothly from one image to the next. Just select “GLSlideshow” in thexscreensaver control panel, and enter the directory (or RSS URL) where your images live on the “Advanced” tab. If you want to only run a slideshow, then select GLSlideshow in “Only One Screen Saver” mode. Otherwise, the slideshow it will be just one of the display modes that xscreensaver will select from randomly, and run for the length of time specified in the `cycle' preference. If your graphics card is extremely old, you may find that glslideshow doesn't run fast enough. This is unlikely: any graphics card manufactured in this century should be fast enough. But, if you try it and it is slow, then you'll want to run a different program. Two good choices for displaying slideshows on very old machines with no graphics acceleration are chbg and xv. To use those, you need to add a line to the `programs' preference in your .xscreensaver file:
GLSlideshow: Just select it from the list; and specify your image directory on the “Advanced” tab.
default-n: chbg -xscreensaver -randomize \ -interval 0.30 \ -R $HOME/images/ \n\
chbg: xv: default-n: xv -root -rmode 5 -random \
- viewonly -wloop -wait 30 \
$HOME/images/*.jpg \n\
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GLSlideshow and Carousel select images from the designated source
Step 2: Installing Resilio Sync
For Debian-based Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, Zorin, Elementary) Create file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/resilio-sync.list to register Resilio repository: echo "deb resilio-sync non-free" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/resilio-sync.list Add public key with the following command: curl -LO && sudo apt-key add ./key.asc For Raspberry Pi 1 sudo dpkg --add-architecture armel sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install resilio-sync:armel
Make sure you have an ethernet cable plugged in to your RasPi, and fire up lxterminal (there is a shortcut on the desktop). We’ll need to download the binary for Sync. To do this, change the download directory: cd /home/pi Then download and unpack the binary archive wget tar -zxvf resilio-sync_armhf.tar.gz And finally, run the program: ./rslsync –webui.listen Now, we want to make sure Sync will run at startup. This requires an extra step. In terminal, change your directory to the config folder: cd ~/.config/ Create a new folder called “autostart” mkdir autostart Now create a new text document. You can use the leafpad program that comes pre-installed. The contents of the text document need to be as follows: [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Exec=/home/pi/rslsync –webui.listen Save this file in the newly created ~/.config/autostart as: syncstart.desktop
Raspberry Digital Signage
Raspberry Digital Signage is an operating system designed for digital signage installations on the Raspberry Pi: it displays a full-screen browser view restricted to the resource specified.
It shows web pages from an Internet, local area network or internal (SD-card-contained) resource; there is no way to escape this view but rebooting the machine. It is a hacker-proof secure operating systems for indoor and outdoor use.
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Raspberry Slideshow is focused on quick-to-set-up image and video slideshows for the Raspberry Pi. Insert a USB key with image/video files or retrieval informations from the network and boot: the system will display a slideshow of them in a full-screen view.
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Raspberry WebKiosk is designed for the cheapest possible web kiosks and multi-user web workstations deployments - use in cafès, offices, schools, hotels, hospitals, libraries and so on. It's a port of the powerful Instant WebKoisk/UB OS for PCs.
It is a browser-only hacker-proof operating system for Internet browsing purposes, which fully protects users' privacy. After every reboot, the browser will be kept back to the default state and user-downloaded files will be deleted.
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Note-taking app for programmers. Apps available for Mac, Windows, Linux, Android and iOS. Built with Electron, React + Redux, Webpack and CSSModules.
RaspBerry Pi Projects
Digital signage for the Raspberry Pi (all models)
Using the Debian-Wheezy Beta image, there is a configuration utility built in that makes this easy: There is a utility called raspi-config. This runs on first boot if you're connected directly to the RPi. If you're over SSH you can run it manually using $ sudo raspi-config. (I think you can re-run the tool manually at any time).
Kodi Media Center
Kodi® (formerly known as XBMC™) is an award-winning free and open source (GPL) software media center for playing videos, music, pictures, games, and more. Kodi runs on Linux, OS X, Windows, iOS, and Android, featuring a 10-foot user interface for use with televisions and remote controls.
Raspberry Pi Operating Systems OS
The MagPi Issue 12 - May 2013 Article by Alan Coats In only a year the number of operating systems for the Raspberry Pi has grown tremendously. In addition to various flavours of Linux and Unix, builds of RISC OS, Plan 9 and even an Amiga compatible offering are now available. Take a look below, there is sure to be something of interest to one and all.
Use Raspberry Pi to Measure Broadband Speeds to Hold Your ISP Accountable
This is actually something I’ve been doing myself for a couple of years, also using a Raspberry Pi stuffed in a corner of my network closet. Well, not the bit where I tweet my broadband provider. Instead my script is a bit more direct: It automatically submits a trouble ticket into their support queue.
Raspberry Pi Print Server: Setup a Network Printer
In this tutorial, I will be going through the steps on how to setup a Raspberry Pi Print Server. The process of getting the software installed is pretty simple, but configuring it and getting a Windows network to find the print server is a bit more of an involved process. Setting up a print server is a simple way of bringing your regular USB printer to more modern standards without you having to shell out hundreds of dollars.